About the Author

In A Nutshell

Philipp R. Herrmann
32 Years
Junior-Advisor at GIZ
Specialised in
International Politics, Climate Change, Environmental Politics

Professional Background

Passionate about Climate Change and its implications, I am working for the Climate Change Team of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in India, within the ‘Indo-German Support Project for Climate Action in India’. The project develops and applies climate co-benefit methodologies for national programmes and private sector activities which do not have a climate focus and measure climate impacts, e.g., of circular economy/resource efficiency programmes, particularly the ban on single-use plastics, the Urban Forestry Scheme and policies dedicated to wetlands.
Moreover, I support the sustainability team, promoting sustainable changes in our everyday office life.

Academic Background

I started studying at the University of Mainz in Germany, where I studied Social Anthropology and Economics as a Bachelor’s degree. After an academic exchange year at the University of Kent in Canterbury in England, funded through the Erasmus Programme of the EU, I opted for further international experience and chose to go to Italy for my Master’s degree. Consequently, I accomplished my first Master’s degree in International Relations at Alma Mater Università di Bologna in Italy.
Following my interests for international cooperation in the field of Climate Change, I started another Master’s degree in Environmental Sciences at the distance university of Hagen in Germany, that I pursue to finish by the end of this year.c


I met my Italian wife after I returned to Germany from my academic exchange year. She herself was doing her academic exchange year in Mainz and about eight years later, in June 2023, we had the great joy of becoming parents to our little Italo-German.
Having studied in Germany, England and Italy and working in India, I have met plenty of wonderful people of which many I am happy to call friends. They made these international experiences so enriching and feel home everywhere I went to.
I love exploring new places, learning about different cultures, regional history, customs, beliefs and most certainly the food!
Besides that, I enjoy playing football, cook Italian dishes, socialising and, fulfilling my new role as a father.

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