Climate Insights and Inspirations

My Must-Read Books, Articles,
and Must-Watch Documentaries

DW – Planet A

This channel is a must follow for every Climate Enthusiast. Free great quality content from Germany. Follow, watch and thank me later.


The browser that plants trees. A quick and easy way to support climate action. Change it for your self and tell your freinds, family, and colleagues about it!

The Carbon Footprint of Everything

Eye-opening often suprising climate facts that will increase your understanding of the climate impact of your lifestyle and our society as a whole. Absolute MUST-Read!

How to Avoid Climate Disaster

This book provides a solid base for the understanding of Climate Change and eco-liberal ways to reduce global warming. The concept of the green premium is only one of many interesting insights of this most interesting read!

Ökoliberal / Ecoliberal

A MUST-read for the German speaking readers in which the Author points out the necessity to use eco-liberal market concepts to limit global warming and deal with Climate Change.

Deutschland 2050

Another Must-read for German speaking readers. The authors paint a fact based picture of how it will be living in Germany in 2050. Based on the accurate predictions of the past and little to no progress on international climate action, the book convincingly pushes for mitigation and especially adaptation to a warming climate.

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