My Blog on Climate Change

by Philipp R. Herrmann

What this Blog is about:

This blog aims to shedding some additional light on recent developments in various fields related to Climate Change, how it affects our life (-styles) and what can be done to achieve greater sustainability in your environment. Please subscribe, comment, and enjoy!

Explore the Categories

A Changing World

Reports and commentries on current events due to Climate Change or human activities impacting the climate and the environment

International Climate Action

Diving into developments on the international level and exploring state and progresses of global players

Sustainable Lifestyle

Exploring Climate Impacts of decisions we take every day – what we do, what we consume, and how we do it.

About the Author

My academic background lies in International Relations (M.A.) and Environmental Sciences (M. Sc. – to be completed). Combining both, I am working in the field of international Climate Action, currently in India.

The Internet is a climate Killer

Digital technologies are responsible for about 1.6 billion tons of GHG emissions annually, around twice the emissions of air travel! Find out more!

Even by reading this blog you involuntarily have already caused some emissions. To reduce your climate impact when using the internet, try out Ecosia, a search engine/browser that plants trees!

Climate currents occasionally buys impact bundles from Ecosia, planting trees for GHG mitigation and protecting biodiversity. The first bundle has been already purchased. More will be purchased over time. Currently, I am exploring ways how you, dear reader, can support me to plant more trees.

All content is created by Climate Currents. Feel free to share, comment, and quote!
Images and graphics on this blog are either credited to their respective creators or are free to use under applicable licenses.
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